

Homage to Toby Karr

Toby Karr is coming up faster then a pill head in an elevator !!!
He got mad skills all over the board an my god don't i know it.
He recently just sent me some of his new stuff.
OMG it is fucking Banging !!!!
So keep your eye open, recently signed an soon to EXPLODE !!!


My favorite film


If you want to indulge in the endless an pleasurable world of Philosophy 
& Lucid dreams...... 

Here you go -

What could it mean to be conscious in your dreams? For most of us, dreaming is something quite separate from normal life. When we wake up from being chased by a ferocious tiger, or seduced by a devastatingly good-looking Nobel Prize winner we realize with relief or disappointment that "it was only a dream."

Yet there are some dreams that are not like that. Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know at the time that you are dreaming. That they are different from ordinary dreams is obvious as soon as you have one. The experience is something like waking up in your dreams. It is as though you "come to" and find you are dreaming.

Lucid dreams used to be a topic within psychical research and parapsychology. Perhaps their incomprehensibility made them good candidates for being thought paranormal. More recently, however, they have begun to appear in psychology journals and have dropped out of parapsychology—a good example of how the field of parapsychology shrinks when any of its subject matter is actually explained.

Lucidity has also become something of a New Age fad. There are machines and gadgets you can buy and special clubs you can join to learn how to induce lucid dreams. But this commercialization should not let us lose sight of the very real fascination of lucid dreaming. It forces us to ask questions about the nature of consciousness, deliberate control over our actions, and the nature of imaginary worlds.

A Real Dream or Not?

The term lucid dreaming was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in 1913. It is something of a misnomer since it means something quite different from just clear or vivid dreaming. Nevertheless we are certainly stuck with it. Van Eeden explained that in this sort of dream "the re-integration of the psychic functions is so complete that the sleeper reaches a state of perfect awareness and is able to direct his attention, and to attempt different acts of free volition. Yet the sleep, as I am able confidently to state, is undisturbed, deep, and refreshing."

This implied that there could be consciousness during sleep, a claim many psychologists denied for more than 50 years. Orthodox sleep researchers argued that lucid dreams could not possibly be real dreams. If the accounts were valid, then the experiences must have occurred during brief moments of wakefulness or in the transition between waking and sleeping, not in the kind of deep sleep in which rapid eye movements (REMs) and ordinary dreams usually occur. In other words, they could not really be dreams at all.

This presented a challenge to lucid dreamers who wanted to convince people that they really were awake in their dreams. But of course when you are deep asleep and dreaming you cannot shout, "Hey! Listen to me. I’m dreaming right now." All the muscles of the body are paralyzed.

It was Keith Hearne (1978), of the University of Hull, who first exploited the fact that not all the muscles are paralyzed. In REM sleep the eyes move. So perhaps a lucid dreamer could signal by moving the eyes in a predetermined pattern. Just over ten years ago, lucid dreamer Alan Worsley first managed this in Hearne’s laboratory. He decided to move his eyes left and right eight times in succession whenever he became lucid. Using a polygraph, Hearne could watch the eye movements for signs of the special signal. He found it in the midst of REM sleep. So lucid dreams are real dreams and do occur during REM sleep.

Further research showed that Worsley’s lucid dreams most often occurred in the early morning, around 6:30 A M, nearly half an hour into a REM period and toward the end of a burst of rapid eye movements. They usually lasted for two to five minutes. Later research showed that they occur at times of particularly high arousal during REM sleep (Hearne 1978).

It is sometimes said that discoveries in science happen when the time is right for them. It was one of those odd things that at just the same time, but unbeknown to Hearne, Stephen LaBerge, at Stanford University in California, was trying the same experiment. He too succeeded, but resistance to the idea was very strong. In 1980, both Science and Nature rejected his first paper on the discovery (LaBerge 1985). It was only later that it became clear what an important step this had been.

An Identifiable State?

It would be especially interesting if lucid dreams were associated with a unique physiological state. In fact this has not been found, although this is not very surprising since the same is true of other altered states, such as out-of-body experiences and trances of various kinds. However, lucid dreams do tend to occur in periods of higher cortical arousal. Perhaps a certain threshold of arousal has to be reached before awareness can be sustained.

The beginning of lucidity (marked by eye signals, of course) is associated with pauses in breathing, brief changes in heart rate, and skin response changes, but there is no unique combination that allows the lucidity to be identified by an observer.

In terms of the dream itself, there are several features that seem to provoke lucidity. Sometimes heightened anxiety or stress precedes it. More often there is a kind of intellectual recognition that something "dreamlike" or incongruous is going on (Fox 1962; Green 1968; LaBerge 1985).

It is common to wake from an ordinary dream and wonder, "How on earth could I have been fooled into thinking that I was really doing pushups on a blue beach?" A little more awareness is shown when we realize this in the dream. If you ask yourself, "Could this be a dream?" and answer "No" (or don’t answer at all), this is called a pre-lucid dream. Finally, if you answer "Yes," it becomes a fully lucid dream.

It could be that once there is sufficient cortical arousal it is possible to apply a bit of critical thought; to remember enough about how the world ought to be to recognize the dream world as ridiculous, or perhaps to remember enough about oneself to know that these events can’t be continuous with normal waking life. However, tempting as it is to conclude that the critical insight produces the lucidity, we have only an apparent correlation and cannot deduce cause and effect from it.

Becoming a Lucid Dreamer

Surveys have shown that about 50 percent of people (and in some cases more) have had at least one lucid dream in their lives. (See, for example, Blackmore 1982; Gackenbach and LaBerge 1988; Green 1968.) Of course surveys are unreliable in that many people may not understand the question. In particular, if you have never had a lucid dream, it is easy to misunderstand what is meant by the term. So overestimates might be expected. Beyond this, it does not seem that surveys can find out much. There are no very consistent differences between lucid dreamers and others in terms of age, sex, education, and so on (Green 1968; Gackenbach and LaBerge 1988).

For many people, having lucid dreams is fun, and they want to learn how to have more or to induce them at will. One finding from early experimental work was that high levels of physical (and emotional) activity during the day tend to precede lucidity at night. Waking during the night and carrying out some kind of activity before falling asleep again can also encourage a lucid dream during the next REM period and is the basis of some induction techniques.

Many methods have been developed (Gackenbach and Bosveld 1989; Tart 1988; Price and Cohen 1988). They roughly fall into three categories.

One of the best known is LaBerge’s MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming). This is done on waking in the early morning from a dream. You should wake up fully, engage in some activity like reading or walking about, and then lie down to go to sleep again. Then you must imagine yourself asleep and dreaming, rehearse the dream from which you woke, and remind yourself, "Next time I dream this I want to remember I’m dreaming."

A second approach involves constantly reminding yourself to become lucid throughout the day rather than the night. This is based on the idea that we spend most of our time in a kind of waking daze. If we could be more lucid in waking life, perhaps we could be more lucid while dreaming. German psychologist Paul Tholey suggests asking yourself many times every day, "Am I dreaming or not?" This sounds easy but is not. It takes a lot of determination and persistence not to forget all about it. For those who do forget, French researcher Clerc suggests writing a large "C" on your hand (for "conscious") to remind you (Tholey 1983; Gackenbach and Bosveld 1989).

This kind of method is similar to the age-old technique for increasing awareness by meditation and mindfulness. Advanced practitioners of meditation claim to maintain awareness through a large proportion of their sleep. TM is often claimed to lead to sleep awareness. So perhaps it is not surprising that some recent research finds associations between meditation and increased lucidity (Gackenbach and Bosveld 1989).

The third and final approach requires a variety of gadgets. The idea is to use some sort of external signal to remind people, while they are actually in REM sleep, that they are dreaming. Hearne first tried spraying water onto sleepers’ faces or hands but found it too unreliable. This sometimes caused them to incorporate water imagery into their dreams, but they rarely became lucid. He eventually decided to use a mild electric shock to the wrist. His "dream machine" detects changes in breathing rate (which accompany the onset of REM) and then automatically delivers a shock to the wrist (Hearne 1990).

Meanwhile, in California, LaBerge was rejecting taped voices and vibrations and working instead with flashing lights. The original version was laboratory based and used a personal computer to detect the eye movements of REM sleep and to turn on flashing lights whenever the REMs reached a certain level. Eventually, however, all the circuitry was incorporated into a pair of goggles. The idea is to put the goggles on at night, and the lights will flash only when you are asleep and dreaming. The user can even control the level of eye movements at which the lights begin to flash.

The newest version has a chip incorporated into the goggles. This will not only control the lights but will store data on eye-movement density during the night and when and for how long the lights were flashing, making fine tuning possible. At the moment, the first users have to join in workshops at LaBerge’s Lucidity Institute and learn how to adjust the settings, but within a few months he hopes the whole process will be fully automated. (See LaBerge’s magazine, DreamLight. )

LaBerge tested the effectiveness of the Dream Light on 44 subjects who came into the laboratory, most for just one night. Fifty-five percent had at least one lucid dream and two had their first-ever lucid dream this way. The results suggested that this method is about as successful as MILD, but using the two together is the most effective (LaBerge 1985).

Lucid Dreams as an Experimental Tool

There are a few people who can have lucid dreams at will. And the increase in induction techniques has provided many more subjects who have them frequently. This has opened the way to using lucid dreams to answer some of the most interesting questions about sleep and dreaming.

How long do dreams take? In the last century, Alfred Maury had a long and complicated dream that led to his being beheaded by a guillotine. He woke up terrified, and found that the headboard of his bed had fallen on his neck. From this, the story goes, he concluded that the whole dream had been created in the moment of awakening.

This idea seems to have got into popular folklore but was very hard to test. Researchers woke dreamers at various stages of their REM period and found that those who had been longer in REM claimed longer dreams. However, accurate timing became possible only when lucid dreamers could send "markers" from the dream state.

LaBerge asked his subjects to signal when they became lucid and then count a ten-second period and signal again. Their average interval was 13 seconds, the same as they gave when awake. Lucid dreamers, like Alan Worsley, have also been able to give accurate estimates of the length of whole dreams or dream segments (Schatzman, Worsley, and Fenwick 1988).

Dream Actions

As we watch sleeping animals it is often tempting to conclude that they are moving their eyes in response to watching a dream, or twitching their legs as they dream of chasing prey. But do physical movements actually relate to the dream events?

Early sleep researchers occasionally reported examples like a long series of left-right eye movements when a dreamer had been dreaming of watching a ping-pong game, but they could do no more than wait until the right sort of dream came along.

Lucid dreaming made proper experimentation possible, for the subjects could be asked to perform a whole range of tasks in their dreams. In one experiment with researchers Morton Schatzman and Peter Fenwick, in London, Worsley planned to draw large triangles and to signal with flicks of his eyes every time he did so. While he dreamed, the electromyogram, recording small muscle movements, showed not only the eye signals but spikes of electrical activity in the right forearm just afterward. This showed that the preplanned actions in the dream produced corresponding muscle movements (Schatzman, Worsley, and Fenwick 1988).

Further experiments, with Worsley kicking dream objects, writing with umbrellas, and snapping his fingers, all confirmed that the muscles of the body show small movements corresponding to the body’s actions in the dream. The question about eye movements was also answered. The eyes do track dream objects. Worsley could even produce slow scanning movements, which are very difficult to produce in the absence of a "real" stimulus (Schatzman, Worsley, and Fenwick 1g88).

LaBerge was especially interested in breathing during dreams. This stemmed from his experiences at age five when he had dreamed of being an undersea pirate who could stay under water for very long periods without drowning. Thirty years later he wanted to find out whether dreamers holding their breath in dreams do so physically as well. The answer was yes. He and other lucid dreamers were able to signal from the dream and then hold their breath. They could also breathe rapidly in their dreams, as revealed on the monitors. Studying breathing during dreamed speech, he found that the person begins to breathe out at the start of an utterance just as in real speech (LaBerge and Dement 1982a).

Hemispheric Differences

It is known that the left and right hemispheres are activated differently during different kinds of tasks. For example, singing uses the right hemisphere more, while counting and other, more analytical tasks use the left hemisphere more. By using lucid dreams, LaBerge was able to find out whether the same is true in dreaming.

In one dream he found himself flying over a field. (Flying is commonly associated with lucid dreaming.) He signaled with his eyes and began to sing "Row, row, row your boat...." He then made another signal and counted slowly to ten before signaling again. The brainwave records showed just the same patterns of activation that you would expect if he had done these tasks while awake (LaBerge and Dement 1982b).

Dream Sex

Although it is not often asked experimentally, I am sure plenty of people have wondered what is happening in their bodies while they have their most erotic dreams.

LaBerge tested a woman who could dream lucidly at will and could direct her dreams to create the sexual experiences she wanted. (What a skill!) Using appropriate physiological recording, he was able to show that her dream orgasms were matched by true orgasms (LaBerge, Greenleaf, and Kedzierski 1983).

Experiments like these show that there is a close correspondence between actions of the dreamer and, if not real movements, at least electrical responses. This puts lucid dreaming somewhere between real actions, in which the muscles work to move the body, and waking imagery, in which they are rarely involved at all. So what exactly is the status of the dream world?

The Nature of the Dream World

It is tempting to think that the real world and the world of dreams are totally separate. Some of the experiments already mentioned show that there is no absolute dividing line. There are also plenty of stories that show the penetrability of the boundary.

Alan Worsley describes one experiment in which his task was to give himself a prearranged number of small electric shocks by means of a machine measuring his eye movements. He went to sleep and began dreaming that it was raining and he was in a sleeping bag by a fence with a gate in it. He began to wonder whether he was dreaming and thought it would be cheating to activate the shocks if he was awake. Then, while making the signals, he worried about the machine, for it was out there with him in the rain and might get wet (Schatzman, Worsley, and Fenwick 1988).

This kind of interference is amusing, but there are dreams of confusion that are not. The most common and distinct are called false awakenings. You dream of waking up but in fact, of course, are still asleep. Van Eeden (1913) called these "wrong waking up" and described them as "demoniacal, uncanny, and very vivid and bright, with . . . a strong diabolical light." The French zoologist Yves Delage, writing in 1919, described how he had heard a knock at his door and a friend calling for his help. He jumped out of bed, went to wash quickly with cold water, and when that woke him up he realized he had been dreaming. The sequence repeated four times before he finally actually woke up—still in bed.

A student of mine described her infuriating recurrent dream of getting up, cleaning her teeth, getting dressed, and then cycling all the way to the medical school at the top of a long hill, where she finally would realize that she had dreamed it all, was late for lectures, and would have to do it all over again for real.

The one positive benefit of false awakenings is that they can sometimes be used to induce out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Indeed, Oliver Fox (1962) recommends this as a method for achieving the OBE. For many people OBEs and lucid dreams are practically indistinguishable. If you dream of leaving your body, the experience is much the same. Also recent research suggests that the same people tend to have both lucid dreams and OBEs (Blackmore 1988; Irwin 1988).

All of these experiences have something in common. In all of them the "real" world has been replaced by some kind of imaginary replica. Celia Green, of the Institute of Psychophysical Research at Oxford, refers to all such states as "metachoric experiences."

Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist from the University of Alberta, Canada, relates these experiences to UFO abduction stories and near-death experiences (NDEs). The UFO abductions are the most bizarre but are similar in that they too involve the replacement of the perceived world by a hallucinatory replica.

There is an important difference between lucid dreams and these other states. In the lucid dream one has insight into the state (in fact that defines it). In false awakening, one does not (again by definition). In typical OBEs, people think they have really left their bodies. In UFO "abductions" they believe the little green men are "really there"; and in NDEs, they are convinced they are rushing down a real tunnel toward a real light and into the next world. It is only in the lucid dream that one realizes it is a dream.

I have often wondered whether insight into these other experiences is possible and what the consequences might be. So far I don’t have any answers.

Waking Up

The oddest thing about lucid dreams— and, to many people who have them, the most compelling—is how it feels when you wake up. Upon waking up from a normal dream, you usually think, "Oh, that was only a dream." Waking up from a lucid dream is more continuous. It feels more real, it feels as though you were conscious in the dream. Why is this? I think the reason can be found by looking at the mental models the brain constructs in waking, in ordinary dreaming, and in lucid dreams.

I have previously argued that what seems real is the most stable mental model in the system at any time. In waking life, this is almost always the input-driven model, the one that is built up from the sensory input. It is firmly linked to the body image to make a stable model of "me, here, now." It is easy to decide that this represents "reality" while all the other models being used at the same time are "just imagination" (Blackmore 1988).

Now consider an ordinary dream. In that case there are lots of models being built but no input-driven model. In addition there is no adequate selfmodel or body image. There is just not enough access to memory to construct it. This means, if my hypothesis is right, that whatever model is most stable at any time will seem real. But there is no recognizable self to whom it seems real. There will just be a series of competing models coming and going. Is this what dreaming feels like?

Finally, we know from research that in the lucid dream there is higher arousal. Perhaps this is sufficient to construct a better model of self. It is one that includes such important facts as that you have gone to sleep, that you intended to signal with your eyes, and so on. It is also more similar to the normal waking self than those fleeting constructions of the ordinary dream. This, I suggest, is what makes the dream seem more real on waking up. Because the you who remembers the dream is more similar to the you in the dream. Indeed, because there was a better model of you, you were more conscious.

If this is right, it means that lucid dreams are potentially even more interesting than we thought. As well as providing insight into the nature of sleep and dreams, they may give clues to the nature of consciousness itself.

A option to increase  the chance of having Lucid dreams 




Do it do it DO IT !!!!!!



Somethings are just worth having

01. Monty Norman Orchestra - James Bond Theme 
02. Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger 
03. Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better 
04. Duran Duran - A View To Kill 
05. Sheena Easton - For Your Eyes Only 
06. Louis Armstrong - We Have All The Time In The Wo 
07. Paul McCarthney And Wings - Live And Let Die 
08. Rita Coolidge - All Time High 
09. A Ha - The Living Daylights 
10. Gladys Knight - License To Kill 
11. Matt Monro - From Russia With Love 
12. Tom Jones - Thunderball 
13. Nancy Sinatra - You Only Live Twice 
14. Shirley Bassey - Moonranker 
15. The John Barry Orchestra - On Her Majestys Secret Service 
16. LuLu - The Man With The Golden Gun 
17. Shirley Bassey - Diamonds Are Forever 
18. Tina Turner - Goldeneye 
19. Sheryl Crow - Tomorrow Never Dies 
20. Garbage - The World Is Not Enough 
21. Madonna - Die Another Day 
22. Chris Cornell - You Know My Name 

The Art of Motivation

What ever we want to do, we need motivation to push us into doing something. However the problem is that most of us are not motivated to do things that are truly important and this cause us to try to hide. Some common ways of hiding is to indulge ourselves in playing games, drinking or any other things that are not productive. This can become a bad habit and it will cause us not to be motivated for work that are truly important.

So how do we motivate ourselves to work? First thing first, we need to have a goal, something that we can work towards to. If you do not have any goal to work for, then what is the point in working? Thinking about this will cause you to be confuse about your direction and most probably you will try to escape from work again.

Once you have a goal that acts as a target board for you to aim for, you will need to know about the pleasure and pain if you achieve your goal or not. This act as a carrot and stick approach. Whenever you find yourself not motivated to do your tasks to help you move towards your goal, think about the pleasure of achieving your goal and the pain of failing. Write all the pleasure and pain you can think of on a piece of paper and bring it around with you. Anytime you need an extra dose of motivation, just open it and read it.

People are also easily demoralize when they are facing a huge amount of workload. When we are thinking about how can we complete a huge task, we tend to procrastinate as the amount of workload is overwhelming. To help motivate yourself to complete your work, break down all your workload into smaller pieces. Create a schedule that you can do your work in smaller pieces and think about starting instead of completing. Too many times people are thinking about how they are going to complete such a huge task. But if you think about when to start working on your task, completing will take care of itself.


Black Rain

Black Rain from Semiconductor on Vimeo.

"Black Rain is sourced from images collected by the twin satellite, solar mission, STEREO. Here we see the HI (Heliospheric Imager) visual data as it tracks interplanetary space for solar wind and CME's (coronal mass ejections) heading towards Earth. Data courtesy of courtesy of the Heliospheric Imager on the NASA STEREO mission. Working with STEREO scientists, Semiconductor collected all the HI image data to date, revealing the journey of the satellites from their initial orientation, to their current tracing of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Solar wind, CME's, passing planets and comets orbiting the sun can be seen as background stars and the milky way pass by. As in Semiconductors previous work 'Brilliant Noise' which looked into the sun, they work with raw scientific satellite data which has not yet been cleaned and processed for public consumption. By embracing the artefacts, calibration and phenomena of the capturing process we are reminded of the presence of the human observer who endeavors to extend our perceptions and knowledge through technological innovation."

-- Semiconductor

Commissioned by Animasivo Mexico City, 2009



This is the first skateboard related post.
An it is going out to one of my all time favorite skateboarders.
Go fast have fun an fuck the rest.

If your a fucking weirdo be a fucking weirdo, have fun with it!!!


How to Make a Healthy Salad that Tastes Great

Eating salad is a great way to add nutrition to your meal. You can combine the best nature has to offer by adding green, yellow and red vegetables. Mix the right foods to create a great taste without the calorie-adding salad dressing. Follow these steps to make a tasty salad without the salad dressing

Steps :

  1. Make a garden salad with a head of lettuce or create a mixed salad with different types of greens like leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, endive or spinach.
  2. Add chopped tomatoes, celery, spring onions, sliced cucumbers and sliced radishes.
  3. Toss in chickpeas, beans or lentils to add protein and flavor. Add walnuts, cashews or peanuts for added crunch.
  4. Chop cheddar, old or blue cheese into cubes and add to the salad. You might mix in grated mozzarella cheese. If you like a creamier cheese, then add a few teaspoons of cottage cheese or flavored cream cheese.
  5. Be creative. Throw in macaroni or pasta pieces for texture and flavor. Add sunflower seeds, chow mein noodles or bacon bits for a tastier salad.
  6. Turn your salad into a full meal. Add meat, tuna, tofu or chicken to turn a side dish into a main dish. Then combine a variety of vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini and peppers. Toss the vegetable combination into the salad.
  7. Top off your salad by sprinkling on a home-made dressing (olive oil is very good for you when not heated), lime cordial, balsamic vinegar or fresh-squeezed lemon juice. For a different taste, throw in some fresh spices like dill, oregano, basil or garlic.



Sometimes i hear something that blows me away.
Tempa T is on FIRE !!!

Warning the first minute of this video is a bit whack, but trust it improves 10-4



A Brief History Of The Kiss  

A long time ago, scientists proclaimed that people found kissing pleasurable because when the two lips met during kissing, an electric current was generated. 
We now know this to be completely untrue but new studies have shown that when two people embrace, hormones are released into the blood stream which immediately induces a sense of euphoria when you feed on the sweetness of your mouth.
On a final note, let me stress that kissing does not merely involve the lips! A real kiss makes use of the tongue, that sensuous organ you can use to delightfully explore the inner reaches of her mouth.

*The average person will spend an estimated 20,160 min kissing in their lifetime.

*Kissing helps reduce tooth decay because the extra saliva helps clean out your mouth

*You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss.

*Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) as those that are released when you engage in intense exercise such as running a marathon or skydiving. This causes your heart to beat faster and your breathing to become deep and irregular.

*Our brains have special neurons that help us find each others lips in the dark


3 Tips For Thursday

1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Woop, Woop, Woop…. Then do it!

2Reduce Stress 
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate). Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them. 

3. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook 
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling. 

Laugh your way through the day !!


The recent effects of planet Charles

"Nice work Charles. Not many young men have the guts to share what they really feel about marijuana. Shit is detrimental to your soul. It kills so much potential. I believe that it's the single greatest obstacle that this generation has to overcome if we wish to action some real change. 
Change Art, change governance, change the economy, change for positivity. Young people believe in so much bullshit, to actually believe that dope 'makes you more creative' or 'fucks the system' is laughable, fucking infuriatingly pitiful. 
The fact is that 'the man' wants us to smoke dope for the simple reason that it consolidates 'his' powerbase. What would you prefer, a load of angry potheads trying to undermine your power? 
Or, a group of lucid and confident artists, writers, thinkers, philosophers, poets and subversives all working together to destroy every single bullshit institution and preconception that you have forced whole societies to burden for centuries?

Quoted by Cal Doyle
10:32pm July 14

Sleeping on the floor

Ever wanted to see your bed being thrown out of the fourth story balcony of your apartment??
I didn't want to, but it happened.

Luckily this was a while ago.
I have a new smaller bed now.
I will cope. 


Relationship Advice

" Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life. Relationships work best when they are balanced." -Anonymous 



The police in Barcelona are corrupt 
Beware of them !!!


Honesty is the best policy.
You can never feel closer to someone,
Especially in a relationship
Without being honest.
Unless your this guy.

The Beginning

Do you remember the day when you came to the realization that the world is actually a disgusting place.
I am no trying to be negative. There are wonderful an amazing aspects to this world, but sadly they are constantly tarnished.

What the hell is going on...... The economy, human rights, equality & respect for one another??

Thoughts one

These 3 images have a lot of significance to me.
The first one is in relation to the people of the world sadly effected by the wrath of Cannabis.
The picture is self explanatory: Laziness, depression, anxiety, let alone the effects of smoking itself -
The second image is the one thing i honestly hate in this world.
A true evil.
How can a human be judged, labeled & worse of all have there quality of life 
decided by how much of this stuff they can acquire. 

Finally the third an final picture is from a poster i have in my room. A nice warm image of
what is really important an vital to all people, Love.
Whether it is or man, women, child.
Love is a essential. 

So much so that i have to pass this on :


1. Koushik – I’d Like To Get To Know You
2. A Tribe Called Quest – The Love
3. Slum Village – The Look Of Love
4. Dee Dee Warwick – That’s Not Love
5. Odyssey – Our Lives Are Shaped By What We Love
6. Arthur Russell – See Through Love
7. Tommy Evans – Me / You
8. Paul White – I’m Soo In Love With You
9. J Dilla – U-Luv
10. Yesterday’s New Quintet – The Meaning Of Love
11. The United States Of America – Love Song For The Dead Che
12. Kenny Rankin – In the Name Of Love
13. Oscar Wright – Fell In Love
14. Esther Phillips – Love Train
15. White Noise – Love Without Sound
16. Feist – The Limit To Your Love
17. Marvin Gaye – God Is Love
18. Jazzanova – L.O.V.E. And You & I
19. Mos Def – Love
20. Frank N Dank – Love (A Thing Of The Past – snippet)
21. Dee Edwards – Why Can’t There Be Love
22. Paul Simon – 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
23. J Davey – Dirty Love
24. Mark Pritchard feat Steve Spacek – Without You
25. Curtis Mayfield – Gimme Your Love
26. Johnny Cool – That’s You My Love
27. Honey & The Bees – Come Get It
28. Rotary Connection – Hey Love
29. John Ellis – People That I Love