
The Art of Motivation

What ever we want to do, we need motivation to push us into doing something. However the problem is that most of us are not motivated to do things that are truly important and this cause us to try to hide. Some common ways of hiding is to indulge ourselves in playing games, drinking or any other things that are not productive. This can become a bad habit and it will cause us not to be motivated for work that are truly important.

So how do we motivate ourselves to work? First thing first, we need to have a goal, something that we can work towards to. If you do not have any goal to work for, then what is the point in working? Thinking about this will cause you to be confuse about your direction and most probably you will try to escape from work again.

Once you have a goal that acts as a target board for you to aim for, you will need to know about the pleasure and pain if you achieve your goal or not. This act as a carrot and stick approach. Whenever you find yourself not motivated to do your tasks to help you move towards your goal, think about the pleasure of achieving your goal and the pain of failing. Write all the pleasure and pain you can think of on a piece of paper and bring it around with you. Anytime you need an extra dose of motivation, just open it and read it.

People are also easily demoralize when they are facing a huge amount of workload. When we are thinking about how can we complete a huge task, we tend to procrastinate as the amount of workload is overwhelming. To help motivate yourself to complete your work, break down all your workload into smaller pieces. Create a schedule that you can do your work in smaller pieces and think about starting instead of completing. Too many times people are thinking about how they are going to complete such a huge task. But if you think about when to start working on your task, completing will take care of itself.

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